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0 A.D., a beautiful, 3D real time strategy game developed by Wildfire Games, has reached Alpha 18 this Friday, getting features such as a new game mode, in-game technology tree, while the support for formations has been re-implemented (after it was dropped in A17). Alpha 18, codenamed Rhododactylos, comes with some new features, so let’s see what’s new in this release.


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0 A.D. is a free, open-source real-time strategy game which takes place approximately between 500 B.C. and 500 A.D., with beautiful 3D graphics, 12 different civilizations, and a gamestyle which is very similar to the one of Age of Empires, but also incorporating new elements as well.


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And if WesGold forum accounts weren’t enough for April 1st, here’s a better one: the 0 A.D. developers announce a new direction for the game, in which history and realism are substituted by the almighty hordes of zombies and the walking dead.


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The overview includes only games which are completely free, with a permissive license for both the code and their content. I could not include here games like Urban Terror or Warsow, since their assets are not free, nor Steam games.

0 A.D.

A very beautiful game, 0 A.D. is a 3D medieval strategy game with different nations, incorporating elements from various other games pertaining to the genre, like Age of Empires. Still in alpha stage (and has been for a long time), 0 A.D. is playable in both single-player and online. It has great graphics, specific units and buildings for each faction, and a selection of carefully designed maps.


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0 A.D. is a strategy game that has been around for quite some time now, and it reached a decent level of completeness despite the fact that Wildfire Games are releasing only alpha versions. It’s free, open-source and available for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X and the latest alpha, codenamed ‘Ides of March’, comes with a whole bunch of new features and fixes.

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