By default, the prompt may look something like this:

PS1='\[\033[0;31m\]$(returncode)\[\033[0;37m\]\[\033[0;35m\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\[\033[01;31m\]\h\[\033[01;34m\] \W \$\[\033[00m\] '
In this tutorial I'll try to explain what all these strange characters do by starting with basic examples and going from there.To try the commands in this tutorial, type them in your terminal. If you want to make changes permanently, put the desired line inside the $HOME/.bashrc file.
The $HOME/.bashrc File
To set the prompt permanently instead of only the current session you will have to copy the respective commands
inside the $HOME/.bashrc file, which is executed by Bash every time it starts an interactive session. For more
details on the files which are executed by Bash when it starts read
this tutorial.
The $PS1 and $PS2 Environment Variables
PS stands for INS.
The $PS1 variable is the one holding the prompt format. The $PS2 variable is used for multi-line commands, and it
is usually set to the greater than character (>):

Changing the Look of Your Prompt
Let's start with the simplest example:
export PS1="$ "
As simple as that, your prompt will always look like this:

export PS1="$USER@$HOSTNAME$ "
In this case we use the environment variables $USER and $HOSTNAME, which will be expanded into their actual values.The second way would be:
export PS1="\u@\h\\$ "
Here we use the \u escaped character for the user and \h for the hostname, and \\$ which will
expand into either $ or # depending on whether you are a normal user or root.Now let's also include the current path:
export PS1="$USER@$HOSTNAME:\w\\$ "
We used \w for the current working directory.
So now that we know how to change the information our prompt will show us, let's see how we can use colors to customize it.As an example, here is the code for the prompt that I use:
export PS1="\[\033[01;33m\][$USER@$HOSTNAME]\[\033[0;00m\] \[\033[01;32m\]\w$\[\033[0;00m\] "
It looks like this:

export FGGR="\[\033[01;32m\]" // foreground green export BGRE="\[\033[01;41m\]" // background red # ...
More Examples
I provide some examples on configuring your prompt, along with screenshots for each of them.Example #1
Here is an prompt from the ArchWiki, showing more details than the usual prompts:
PS1='\e[1;33;47m\u \e[1;32;47mon \h \e[1;35;47m\d \@\e[0;0m\n\e[1;34m[dir.= \w] \# > \e[0;0m'
