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SMPlayer is a powerful video player for Linux and Windows, based on MPlayer, with countless features and options. Together with VLC, I believe there is no match for it when it comes to movie players.


In this article I will overview the main things that make SMPlayer stand out of the crowd, putting it on the top of the video playback applications list. SMPlayer is written in Qt 4.8 and uses MPlayer2 for video playback. Personally I have only words of praise for this player, which is why I decided to write this review. So let’s proceed and see what the most important features of SMPlayer are.

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One of the new changes in the latest release of SMPlayer is the version system, which changed and now follows a two-digit year and month number, in a similar way to Ubuntu for example. Hence, the latest version is 14.3, and was put out a few hours ago, while the previous version was 0.8.6.


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