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This is the KDE-based feed reader with support for RSS feeds. Akregator comes with lots of features and it has a simple interface, with a tree-like view to the left side for the feeds list and a large area for reading news. It supports tabs, sharing to websites like Twitter or Identi.ca, while links and pages can be opened in an external web browser. It uses the WebKit engine for displaying web pages. It allows the configuration of its appearance, like font and colors, sharing services, article archiving and it support system tray integration.

Also called the Linux Feed Reader, Liferea is a full-featured news reader built in GTK, so I’d warmly recommend it for GNOME users. By default, Liferea’s interface is pretty much the same as Akregator, following the same style with a tree view to the left, and the news list and displaying widget to the right side. However it has three different view modes which change the alignment of the widgets (normal, wide and combined view modes). It supports system tray integration and has an option to disable JavaScript as well as modifying the font size.

Blam is small with a clean interface and fewer options than Akregator or Liferea. It’s written in Mono GTK and it should fit those who don’t need an application with all the whistles and bells.

Written in Java, RSSOwl is a very powerful feed reader with support for RSS, RDF and Atom feeds. The first time it starts RSSOwl will show a wizard from which you can import pre-defined feeds, feeds from Google Reader or from a certain website. Being Java-based makes the interface a little slow when it comes to response time, but this is balanced by the richness of features that it provides. The latest version is 2.1.2 and you can download it from Sourceforge. The package contains the binary and you will need Java Runtime Environment or any other compatible Java virtual machine to run it.

OK, so RSSNOW is a Plasma widget for KDE which can be displayed on the workspace. Some find it very useful, making it a good choice since it just stays on the desktop, providing a very basic interface, appearance configuration and global keyboard shortcut.

This one is a simple console news reader that runs in command-line mode, so it doesn’t have an ncurses interface and you have to configure it manually.

Yet another Java-based feed reader, BlogBridge offers some pretty cool features and a whole bunch of configuration options.

This one is also written in Java and comes with various options.

This is based on ncurses, so it runs in a terminal. You will have to use the keyboard in order to navigate in Canto, and press Q to quit it.

Thunderbird is well-known for being the email client from Mozilla, but it also incorporates a feed reader.

In addition to these, there is also Gnus Rss, a feed reader for Emacs, or Sage, a Firefox add-on with support for RSS and Atom feeds. Of course, the browser-based ones like Google Reader or Bloglines are available too and Firefox itself can handle feeds in a simple way.

There is also another one for GNOME called Straw, but it looks like it hasn’t been maintained since 2008. And Raggle, a command-line reader which also seems dead since 2005.

grand toubab says:

I use Opera browser wich makes it as well

Tracyanne says:

Are you telling me that these newsreaders won’t work on any OS other than Ubuntu, or are you telling me you have never heard of any Linux OS other than Ubuntu.

Theses News readers are not exclusive to Ubuntu, as you seems to be saying, they work on every other Linux based operating System, of which Ubuntu is but one.

Try doing a little research.

istok says:

valid complaint, but don’t hold your breath for that to be corrected though. as i understand it, that distro now also runs “ubuntu kernel” :) and that brazen splash of nonsense was announced well before april 1.
also, i chuckle at the idea of ubuntu users running newsbeuter. don’t know why…
and, i use google reader for this stuff.
okay, make that *google reader for debian* :D
not a lot of thought goes into it. i just like to have them all in one place for access from different machines.

Bill says:

lists really don’t help a new user differentiate which product might need someones needs, you provide bones but no meat on them

articles like this are the kind that Google tries not to index because they’re really not very useful – they’re just there to fill space or build links – not to actually help readers

I need to agree with the first 2 posters
– Opera really is an amazingly good newsreader with virtual folders (the first possibly) and runs on all platforms not just Linux
– Are there really no distro’s out there than Ubuntu? Do these apps only run on Ubuntu? does highlighting Ubuntu in an article subject provide more users, more links or some kind of benefit from Canonical?

Rafael Wingnux says:

Feedly changed the way I use rss feeds, it’s web based so it works on any OS/browser and it’s AMAZING!

John Smith says:

I have tried all of these rss news readers and none of them are good.

Liferea is the only one that comes close to being acceptable.

I finally moved all of my rss reading to google reader.

Rich Steiner says:

I find it interesting that the term “newsreader” has changed to mean rss readers. Why not call them rss readers?

M. Ini says:

pan is a great one

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