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Disable Overlay Scrollbars in GNOME
gsettings set com.canonical.desktop.interface scrollbar-mode normal
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Find Files Containing a Text Pattern
find . -iname "*.txt" -exec grep -l "hello" {} +
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There are quite a few terminals out there, and some of them follow the drop-down style. GNOME has Guake, a GTK-based terminal emulator with lots of features, but there is also Tilda or Final Term, while the KDE de-facto terminal is Yakuake.


Drop-down terminal applications have the advantage that they can be shown or hidden using a single global hotkey, and they usually make it easy to resize their size, change the time of the drop-down animation, keep it on top of other applications.

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In this article I’m going to share some of the Bash aliases and functions that I use and I find pretty handy every once in a while. Aliases are composed of a word which is assigned some longer command, so whenever you type that word, it will be replaced with the longer command. Functions are usually used for anything that it is longer and not fit for an alias, and they usually perform more complicated tasks and can handle parameters as well. Here is a good explanation of both aliases and functions and how to use them. And here is a short tutorial that I wrote a while ago regarding aliases.

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Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition is a role-playing game which has finally made it to Steam earlier today. The game takes place in a fantasy universe called the Spine of the World and features single-player, multi-player and co-op modes.

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The Steam Halloween Sale is a new promotion which includes games fit for the Halloween theme, which will last until November 3rd. Tens of titles for Linux are included as well, and come at discounts as high as 90%.


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CherryTree is a notes-taking application which organizes your notes into a hierarchical tree, has support for text formatting, and is written in GTK2/Python. Lately this application has got a lot of attention due to rich features and frequent updates. It also comes by default in distributions such as MakuluLinux MATE Edition.


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LibreOffice 4.3.3 has been officially released earlier today, being an incremental bug fix release over the stable 4.3.x series.


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In the past I have reviewed MakuluLinux MATE Edition, which came with a very polished and beautiful interface, but also bundled in the ISO a big number of applications to be installed. At the time the MATE edition made a very good impression on me, so I kept a close eye on the development of Makulu.


So now it’s time to look at the brand new MCDE – MakuluLinux Cinnamon Debian Edition – which features Cinnamon 2.2, is based on Debian Testing and ships with components that make it a great choice for gamers, beautiful themes and wallpapers and rich customization options, a custom control center and many more features.

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Dead Island is a survival horror action game released in 2011, centered around a zombie-infested island, with support for single-player, multi-player and co-op.

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This release marks the introduction Ubuntu 14.10 support and a total of 50 installers for apps. Read the full announcement here, discuss it here, or download the script from here.


This is the GNOME Minesweeper clone, allowing you to choose from three different pre-defined table sizes (8×8, 16×16, 30×16) or a custom number of rows and columns. It can be ran in fullscreen mode, comes with highscores, elapsed time and hints. The game can be paused and resumed.

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Emacs 24.4 has been released earlier today, and it ships with several new features and improved functionality, one of the most notable being the presence of an integrated web browser.


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With only a few days before Ubuntu 14.10 will officially see the light of day, Mark Shuttleworth posted a blog entry filled with a richness of Vibrant words in which he announced the codename for the next version of Ubuntu, which will follow Utopic.


This announcement also comes as to celebrate the 10th anniversary since Warty Warthog, the first Ubuntu version, was released.

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Vendetta Online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game developed by Guild Software, Inc, with builds for Linux as well, besides Windows and Mac OS. The game takes place throughout the Vendetta space universe, and players can choose from a large range of factions to play with.


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