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Disable Overlay Scrollbars in GNOME
gsettings set com.canonical.desktop.interface scrollbar-mode normal
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find . -iname "*.txt" -exec grep -l "hello" {} +
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Although the CHM format is not used anymore very much, and even less on Linux, there are still documents and help files which may need a dedicated application for opening these files. Kchmviewer is one of them, and it has recently been updated to version 7.1.


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The latest version of PeaZip, release 5.5, a powerful, open-source file archiver and compression tool, shipped today with new features for the backend, the file manager, and the extraction and archiving tools.


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It’s been a while since I had a look at DigiKam, and even though I’m not much into using a specialized application for organizing and keeping track of photos, I decided to have a look at the state of this popular and feature-complete photo manager for KDE.


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Marble is a 3D virtual globe application which features various map views, Internet services integration for geographical and meteorological data, satellite views, routes suggestions, plugins.


Marble comes included by default in the KDE environment, in the KDE Education package.

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FlightGear is a free, open-source flight simulator that comes with over 400 aircraft, worldwide scenery, multi-player environment, detailed sky and aircraft modeling, and a powerful scripting language.

(Image credit)

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This weekend Steam is offering five games for Linux at a considerable price promo, as well as a 2-day free trial for each of them. Most of the titles are from 2012 and 2013 with games such as Trine 2 or XCOM: Enemy Unknown, and benefit of promotions between 66% and 80% discount.

(Image credit: http://store.steampowered.com/app/35720/)

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0 A.D. is a free, open-source real-time strategy game which takes place approximately between 500 B.C. and 500 A.D., with beautiful 3D graphics, 12 different civilizations, and a gamestyle which is very similar to the one of Age of Empires, but also incorporating new elements as well.


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Wargame is a highly acclaimed real-time strategy with modern graphics, single-player and multi-player modes, different nations and a huge amount of units (over 750).

Image credit: http://store.steampowered.com/app/251060/

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This is the sixth article in this series, in which I take a look at another 12 free, open-source games for Linux. Ranging from action to arcade or puzzle games, all of them should be available to install with your distribution’s package manager. Here are the other articles in the series:

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Since just a few days ago I had a look at the latest SMPlayer release, it’s a good time now to overview yet another movie player written in Qt: QMPlay2.


QMPlay2 is a video player that uses ffmpeg and is written in Qt4, and it is similar in some ways with the popular SMPlayer application. QMPlay2 has some really neat features and an interface which I found to be particularly complete, yet pretty compact.

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Ubuntu Forums 10-year birthday has been officially announced in a dedicated thread today, accompanied with a link to the first known post – a greeting by the long-time member ubuntu-geek.


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Three classic Sid Meier titles for Linux are available on Steam now with a 25% discount for the whole pack.


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Brackets is an open-source editor for web designers, developed by Adobe, with a wealth of features and a huge number of extensions, which can be installed in a few clicks, turning Brackets into a very powerful tool for web developers.


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