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A few days ago I overviewed Calligra, the KDE office suite, which also includes Krita, the powerful image editing tool. Although I’ve mentioned it as being free, it looks like Krita Gemini, which is the name by which Krita goes on Steam, actually costs $22.99, covering the work needed to build, release and maintain it on Steam.

Krita 2.8.1 in KDE:


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This is an overview providing 10 Linux open-source replacements for various commercial power tools, most of them available only on Windows.

Computer-Aided Design: AutoCAD
Replacement: QCAD

It’s true, QCAD has some paid plug-ins, but they can be removed very easy and QCAD will offer most of AutoCAD’s features in a similar fashion, but with an interface that is maybe 10 times faster. The good thing about QCAD is that those who are used to AutoCAD can make the transition pretty easily, since QCAD has similar syntax for commands, and similar menu entries.


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Calligra, the KDE office suite, has reached version 2.8 a few days ago. In this article I will overview each component this office suite comprises of, so if you want to try something different than LibreOffice, or you’re using KDE and want a set of applications to blend well in the environment, read on.


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Krita 2.8.0 was released yesterday, and this version comes with quite a big list of changes. In addition to the new features that were implemented, Krita is also available for Windows with an installer available from here.


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